After choosing your online dating profile pictures, your profile headline and description is your next important step. One you caught the eye of a potential match your profile description is your opportunity to show your personality and share your world.
Here are 7 top tips to create your winning profile and set you apart in the online dating world:
1. Take your time and think about what you want your profile to convey and the kind of people you want to attract. Your profile description should reflect who you truly are without telling your whole life story all in one go. It should also make clear what you’re looking for. Writing an online profile is a skill and if you feel stuck do ask for help from somebody you trust.
2. Don’t write your whole life story in your profile description. Keep it relatively short and to the point, but do make it interesting and be specific about the things you love in particular. For example - if you love to travel explain more about what kind of travelling you like and interesting places you’ve been. There is a difference between being a hardcore adventure traveller and someone who only really loves lounging on the beach with cocktail in hand.
3. You are always communicating your attitude towards life, dating and relationships - even if you’re not actually talking to somebody specific yet. People are intuitive and it’s fairly easy to pick up clues about somebody’s disposition and attitude in an online dating profile. Even if you’ve had negative experiences in the past, keep your profile and conversations upbeat and positive. There are few things more unsexy than negativity, sarcasm and bitterness.
4. Avoid the clichés. What is unique about you? Pretty much everybody loves walks on the beach, is intelligent, has a good sense of humour, loves meals out. Your life and your experiences all form a unique combination that tells your story. That's it why it is so important to take your time and really think about the kind of person you want to attract and whether your profile reflects that kind of person they would be attracted to.
5. Avoid a mismatch from the start by being truthful, specific and upfront about certain things that are important to you. If, for example you are a dog-lover you can say something like: “Don’t message me if you’re not a total dog-lover too”. The right people will notice your message and the wrong ones will skip right past it.
6. Update your profile regularly. If you’re using a site or app for longer than a month or two, make sure to tweak and update your profile description and your pictures regularly. Play around, pay attention to the kind of responses you're getting and see what works for you.
7. Pay attention to your spelling and grammar. It is major turn-off when it looks as if you didn’t care enough about your profile to double check it. Do a spell check and ask your friends, family or somebody else you trust to check your profile for you.
Have fun creating and upgrading your profile!