First impressions count - your online dating profile photo is the most important part of your whole profile.
It’s impossible to over-emphasise the importance of your online dating profile pictures. Since this is the first thing somebody sees it really can make or break your chances with a potentially perfect partner - don't let yourself down by not paying enough attention to the quality and style of your profile pictures.
Photos are a great way to show who you are and communicate your lifestyle, the things that are important to you and what you love to do. They tell your story more effectively than the words in your profile.
Here are some key points to remember when you choose your online dating profile pictures:
1. Use your most recent pictures. One of the main complaints of online daters is that the person they end up meeting looks totally different from their picture. Don’t let this be you. Upload or update your pictures with the most recent ones - a good guideline is less than 12 months old.
2. Review and update and your pictures regularly. Share the fun and interesting things you’re up to in your life and attract those with shared and common interests. It gives a potential match the chance to envisage themselves sharing those things with you.
3. Be the centre of attention in your photos. Avoid the heavily cropped ones where it’s clear you’ve cut others out of the picture, or being in a large group where somebody has to guess where you are. A photo that shows you too far in the distance, or too close up may turn people off.
4. Smile and clearly show your face. Women in particular prefer pictures of a person who smiles.
5. Use good quality pictures. Take the time and make the effort to choose your best pictures. Avoid bad lighting and untidy backgrounds. A blurry, poor quality picture is not acceptable these days.
6. Use a variety of photos. Choose at least 4-6 photos and showcase a variety of interesting things about your life in addition to your profile shot. This gives somebody looking at your profile an idea of who you are so make sure to convey a sense of you and what your life is like. Keep it fun, light and whatever is interesting and unique to you.
7. Keep your clothes on. Enough said.
BONUS TIP: If you can afford it, look into getting some professional online dating profile pictures taken. There are some great services developing in this area and they will really help you stand out.